It was still called Bombay the first time I was there many years ago, but other than the name, not much seems to have changed. Mumbai is another big Indian city, and, being such, it is crowded, noisy, and dirty. But there is enough charm in the city to keep a person interested for a while. Personally I had too much time there since I had to wait for a plane ticket out, but that is just poor planning on my part. There are certainly things for the tourist to see and do in Mumbai, but someone should tell the Mumbai government it is not a good idea to close all the tourist attractions on Monday. At least leave a museum open or something.

Most of my time was spent just wandering around, looking at city life and the architecture it exists in. The city has quite a legacy of buildings left over from the days of the British. And they have done a fair job of keeping many of them in good repair though a lot of work still needs to be done.

Another sight to see is the local laundry, the dobi ghats. When looking over the area you can't help but imagine how much laundry goes through that place. It was impressive seeing so many people doing so many other people's laundry the "old-fashioned" way. It makes you wonder what the effect of a simple appliance like the wash machine would have on the place if it ever became more popular in India. Think of all the people who would be put out of work.

Just a couple of caves cut into the rock that monks used for living, study and meditation.
I also saw the Kanheri Buddhist caves not too far from the city and the Elephanta Hindu caves on the island of Elephanta (formerly Gharapuri). The former were more spectacular for their location- cut into the sides of a valley and canyon wall. And the latter were more impressive for their carvings of Hindu deities and the stories being told. Be sure you take advantage of the free guide who can tell you a lot about what you are looking. It was very interesting even if my guide did seem to add a bit of his own philosophical spin to the stories.

Every time I pointed my camera at her, she would tilt her head and go into this "shy pose."
Before I leave India, a few more observations.
Indians are greedy bastards. I am in no way suggesting that India has cornered the market on greed, but they sure do own a lot of stock in it. And this opinion certainly does not apply to everyone in the country. How do I know that "greed is good" in India? Well, there's the first hand experience of being taken for a ride, literally and figuratively, when riding in auto-rickshaws and looking for accommodations as a couple of examples, but it was also noted by just observation of things going on around me.

I had him sharpen my pocket knife. He did a darn good job, too.
During my time in India, the Indian auto manufacturing industry brought to market their first car for the "every-man." A compact car with a low enough price point that, ostensively, nearly everyone could afford. This might seem like a good thing, and in some ways it may be. But I, along with several environmental pundits see it as more of a negative thing. The environmental folk are decrying the move because of how devastating to the environment it would be to actually put a whole new class of Indians into the automobile.
While I generally agree with the environmentalists, after traveling in India, I see a negative aspect from a wholly different perspective. Where are the auto producers planning on having these new drivers drive, let alone park? Except for the area around Mumbai and maybe a couple of streets in a couple of cities, rarely did I travel on a road with more than one lane in each direction. More often than not, the shoulder was used as a second lane, along with the center line as long as you could scare the drivers coming the other way in to moving over. There is just not room on Indian roads for a whole new class of Indian drivers. Auto makers should be spending money on infrastructure projects rather than new low priced cars. Otherwise sales will come to a halt when people realize they can't actually get anywhere even if they do buy their own car.
Enjoy the photos.
Labels: India, photography, Travel
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