This was my first real planned beach retreat. The guidebook says that the beach a bit further south, Kovala, might be a bit more picturesque, but the more upmarket hotels also mean it is more expensive. Well, that settles it then. Varkala and the cheap backpacker scene it is for me.

I spent the first couple of days at the beach a bit logy due to some sickness. I had a temperature of 102 degrees one night, but since the temperature did not return, I ruled out malaria. I guess it was just the flu or something. The next couple of days at the beach were nice. Just sitting on the beach, playing in the ocean, and overall relaxing. I didn't develop much of a tan there due to a combination of lots of suntan lotion from fear of sunburn, and a couple of overcast days.
Two consecutive days when I and others were out swimming, a small group of dolphins came not more than 50 to 75 meters from the people in the water and swam around for a while. They would swim along the surface and occasionally leap out of the water. Once, one of them even did a flip, all without prompting. It was kind of exciting each of those two days, kind of like my own little dolphin encounter.

Labels: India, photography, Travel
Your pictures could be postcards..they are gorgeous. Malaria? that's not careful !
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